European Commission is funding research that enables new technologies like 5G and Internet of Things (IoT)

The European Commission is funding research that enables new technologies like 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) to benefit European citizens with fast and accessible Internet for the future.
Research projects funded by the European Commission are spearheading future networks which are fast, flexible and responsive. Demands are increasing from both humans and machines for access to content, apps and services relevant to the context and location of the user.
The EU is investing in network technologies of the future through the Horizon2020 programme. Research into cloud computing which will establish free flow of data in Europe and facilitate portability of data is also part of this effort.
The European Commission signed an agreement with the 5G Infrastructure Association and continues to invest in 5G research and standards. This strengthens EU know-how and leadership in the field of ultrafast broadband. A harmonised radio spectrum policy is also one of the areas that mark the benefits of investing in upcoming technologies.
The Commission has been increasing its support to Internet of Things (IoT) through policy actions. IoT is a system that merges physical and virtual worlds, creating smart environments for the benefit of European citizens and businesses.
Supercomputing is a strategic resource for Europe’s future. The European Commission also promotes research, job innovation in robotics as it offers new solutions to societal challenges.